A Beautiful Exchange.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I want to lose my self For You!

I want to be where You are Lord.
So bring me down to my knees,
teach me to worship you in spirit and truth.
Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplication.
Father, Help me to bring You praise, I really want to bring You praise in my Life, From my soul. Pls take over of me lord,
Let my inner man and thoughts die that Your words will reign over and in me that through this, I will run for You.
Make me clean, wash me through. Take away everything that displease You.
Let me come before you every seconds of my life
that Your word may became my strength to run in this pace.
Overall I want to lose my self for You.

Love You, Lord Till the end.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Was it my mistake?
I don't know what is going on with me! I am getting so pissed off! Urgh!!!
May b i should stop hoping and go on with my life as it is. I am aware sometimes I piss off alot but I'm not perfect!!! I'm me, juz another mere human on the face of earth! I don't understand u. I promise not to ask y so I won't ask. It's juzt that I don't know where I have made mistake. If I'm in wrong now, hit me let me know where i Have erred! i will never know unless U tell me. I'm not a saint u know.

So, I really tried being a good friend to u. I know the pain of being left pain of getting abounded, so I try my best to be there for u when u need me to. I don't want to justify my stand, No point of doing so, so I juz hope that i can tolerate u.
If I ever wanted to get mad at u, i would have many times b4. When u toss my laptop at ur bed and it fell (thou it was in the beg)i could get mad at u,coz that is not a dolar or two stuff, that laptop costs me more than 3k. but i knew it was not ur intention for it fell thou the thoughts of u tossing it makes me think tat u don't really care about it, still it's just an accident rite? N for countless other things u put me thru as i did put u thru and thnk u for being there for me, but tat is what friendship is, V give and take.

But am losing grip of myself. May b bcoz I start to treat u as 1 of my good friend, but it's very painful! I'm not sure if u or any1 is aware of this but yes, I'm hurt very hurt by ur n some others actions. i don't demand for much juz treat me as a friend, may b as someone who u know, don't use me than dump me aside! I can get hurt and this leaves a scar behind. May b u ask why I always talk about my friend in my hometown, how good they r and so on. But have u ever wondered y i always say so? It's so simple bcoz I can't find any like them! I'm being me but if that is u than I'm sorry, am sure this friendship won't last for very long! Since there is no honesty in us.

I love being friend with u and every1 else coz I'm happy to make new friends. For me friends r important. I treasure every one of my friend. Juz 1 thing I wonder r u the same? I'm not perfect thou, I make a lot mistake and if I have hurt u let me know. So i can change and apologies to u. So if I have hurt u, I'm SORRY. Hope we will be friends 4 ever. Thank u for sharing ur friendship with me and If I have miss understood or whatever la, pls do me a favour, LET ME KNOW. Take care.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

PISS ME OFF!!!!...?

PISS ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the HELL!!!! I am really fed-up with all this weird people. I am really tired. I want good friends O Lord!!! I'm so desperate to have good friends who I can rely on when I'm in need. A friend in need is a friend indeed!!! Hate to say much more but, if this is what you are going to show me, than i'M REALLY REALLY TIRED WITH YOU!!!!! How long more u plan to use me, PLS GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!! I'm so tired. i really wish i can make good new friends but dissapointedly I don't have much friends here. 1 thing i can say is I thank God for everything. Thou is dissapointing, but it's okay, if this is meant to take place. Cause I never alone. I don't wish any who knows me understand what is happening!! I think the best for me is not to talk about this cause I'm so afraid my anger is bolting up!!!! I couldn't control it anymore. I have took anger management class b4. thou only once did I went and c the counselor, but I know d way ady but i guess it's x going to last very long anymore but I will survive!!!!